Contact or User lists (personas)

Contact or User lists (personas), i.e., individual users and executives at your customer who you send Cast presentations to.

Here are some example attributes you may provide to cast to personalize presentations for each contact:

  1. contact-identifier: A unique identifier for the user (required), e.g. c1234
  2. first-name: The first name of the user, e.g. John
  3. contact-email: The user’s email that will receive cast presentations, e.g.
  4. account-identifer: A unique identifier for the user’s account, e.g. a00232
  5. account-name: The name of the user’s account, e.g. Nike
  6. customer-start-date: e.g. 07/11/2018
  7. sender-name: The name of the contact sending Cast presentations to the user, e.g. Kenzie CSM Smith
  8. sender-email: The email of the contact sending Cast presentations to the user, e.g.
  9. has-renewal-authority: Whether or not the user has renewal authority, e.g. true if John has renewal authority
  10. has-expansion-authority: Whether or not the user has expansion authority, e.g. true if John has expansion authority
  11. persona: The user’s persona, e.g executive, manager
  12. last-login: The user’s last login, e.g. never

Note: above is just an example. has a built-in mapper and can therefore use any attributes.

Contact Lists are data-driven

Sample contacts dataset

Hover on table and scroll horizontally to view all columns.
contact-identifier your-customer-first-name your-customer-contact-email customer-account-identifer sender-name sender-email has-expansion-authority
c1234 John a1 Kenzie CSM Smith true
c43424 Karen a999 Mark Account Manager false
c13244-32 Joe a1 Kenzie CSM Smith false