+ Snowflake

Announcing the + Snowflake integration

With the Snowflake connector, you can access customer success data and use it to generate “Digital CSM” presented Cast video presentations and Digital Hub website pages, both with recommendations to drive account and user onboarding, NRR, and Referrals from promoters.

Snowflake Connector details are available here:

See details and video here: Snowflake Integration


Introducing the and Snowflake Integration: Powering Personalized Presentations and Data-Driven Success

We are thrilled to announce the integration of with Snowflake.

This partnership promises to revolutionize how our customers access and utilize their Snowflake customer data for personalized presentations and recommendations.

By leveraging Snowflake’s robust data,’s “Automated Digital Customer Success Managers” will empower your business to drive onboarding, usage and adoption, retention, renewals, revenue expansion, and referrals with unprecedented precision and automation.

As an industry-leading software provider for customer success, Snowflake’s collaboration with ensures that your business stays ahead of the curve in this fast-paced digital landscape.

Key benefits of the and Snowflake integration:

  • Access and utilize Snowflake data directly within for personalized content and recommendations.
  • Support for Snowflake’s customer contact data, providing you with a comprehensive data-driven approach to customer success.
  • Streamline your onboarding, usage and adoption, retention, renewals, revenue expansion, and referrals with’s “Automated Digital Customer Success Managers.”

To get started, with the and Snowflake integration, visit our website at for detailed instructions and additional resources. Harness the power of personalized presentations and data-driven success today by taking advantage of this cutting-edge integration!

See details and video here: Snowflake Integration