Axibase Time Series Database

User Setup:

Create User Group with READ-ONLY Permissions

  1. Login into PTSD web interface atĀ https://atsd_host:8443.
  2. Open Admin > User groups page, click Create.
  3. Specify user group name and the optional description.
  4. Grant the group ā€˜Readā€™ permission from ā€˜All entitiesā€™.
  5. Press the Save button.

Create User

  1. Open Admin > Users page, click Create.
  2. Specify username, password, and other fields if necessary.
  3. Add the user to the previously created User Group as a member in the ā€˜Entity Permissionsā€™ section.
  4. Press the Save button.

Create Data Source

  1. Login into Cast web interface.
  2. Navigates to the Data Source page, select ā€˜Axibase Time Series Databaseā€™ as type.
  3. Complete the following fields on the configuration form:
Name Default Value Required Description
Name Ā  yes Ā 
Protocol http yes Connection protocol.
Host localhost no ATSD hostname or IP address.
Port 8088 no ATSD http (8088) or https (8443) port.
Username ā€” yes User name.
Password ā€” yes User password.
Connection Timeout 600 no Connection timeout in seconds.
Metric Minimum Insert Date ā€” no Include metrics withĀ last insert dateĀ equal to or greater than the specified date. ISO date format and endtime syntax is supported.
Metric Filter ā€” yes Include metrics that match anĀ expression filter.
Metric Limit 5000 no Maximum number of ATSDĀ metricsĀ displayed as tables in Redash.
Trust SSL Certificate False no Trust SSL certificate, if the cerificate is self-signed.
  • Create the data source.