Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: What is the difference between “Generate Preview” and “Generate Presentation from Cloud Data”?

Generate Preview” and “Generate Presentation from Cloud Data” serve different purposes in the presentation creation process:

Generate Preview provides a quick look at what the final presentation will look like using cached data for faster performance. It is ideal for initial reviews to ensure the layout and basic content structure are correct without needing the latest data.

Generate Presentation from Cloud Data creates the final presentation using the most up-to-date data directly from cloud sources like Google Sheets, SQL, or HubSpot. This option bypasses the cached data, fetching fresh data to ensure accuracy and relevance.

The in-app page uses campaign data to generate previews. If your updates are not showing up and you encounter issues with icons, links, and iframes, it could be because no campaign has been generated yet, especially if the project is new. To resolve this and ensure your updates appear correctly, follow these steps:

Navigate to the Campaign Page -> Create a New Campaign

Common Errors Without a Campaign:

Icons: in-app icon Will not showing Links: Will be non-clickable or disabled. Iframes: Will display an error such as “No presentation found.”

Q: How can I check NPS (Net Promoter Score) results in analytics?

Answer: To check your NPS results in analytics, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Your Project:

    • Navigate to the project where you want to review the NPS data.
  2. Access Campaigns:

    • Click on the “Campaigns” section to view all your campaigns.
  3. Select Your Campaign:

    • Choose the specific campaign for which you want to check the NPS results.
  4. Open Analytics:

    • Click on the “Analytics” tab to access detailed analytics for the selected campaign.
  5. Locate NPS Results:

    • Scroll down until you reach the sections for NPS, CES, CSAT, and Journey Navigation.
  6. View NPS Data:

    • Click on “Net Promoter Score” to open a popup window that will display the NPS data.

By following these steps, you will be able to view and analyze your NPS results effectively.