Slide Types

Cast supports four types of slides:

Slides are grouped under a project and are conditionally shown to each user enabling personalization.


Editorials are non-data driven and include:

  1. Welcome and introduction slides
  2. Feature announcements
  3. How-Tos
  4. Thank you slides
  5. General recommendations
  6. Non-data driven Checklists and Agenda
  7. Video slides


Data-driven charts include:

  1. Checklists and Agenda
  2. Compare Bar charts
  3. Categorization or Pie Bars
  4. Single Bar Chart
  5. Grouped Bar Chart
  6. Stacked Bars
  7. Gauges
  8. Line and Area Charts
  9. Waterfall
  10. Funnel
  11. Towers of Hanoi
  12. Info Graphic

A navigation slide lets the viewer of your presentations choose what they want to see next. An executive may be interested in overall summary and one or two details. An operator may want to see everything.

  1. Drilldowns: Your customers can chose their journey or can drill-down into areas of specific interest.
  2. Summary vs. Detailed versions of presentations: You can show a shorter vs. detailed version of the presentation.
  3. Sequences of slides vs. Show me everything: You can show a shorter vs. detailed version of the presentation.
  4. Advocacy
    • Overall Satisfaction
    • Customer Satisfaction
    • NPS, CES, EGR (NPS 3.0)
    • Referrals


Data-driven widgets slide shows various performance indicators metrics and charts in a single slide. Widgets of following types are supported:

  1. Percent - Display a percentage based on the values in the slide.
  2. Number - Display numeric values in the slide.
  3. Status - Display a status icon based on the value in the slide.
  4. Label - Display text values in the slide.
  5. Progress - Display the progress made towards a goal, between a starting value and ending value.
  6. Date time - Display a date as a value in the slide.
  7. Time range - Display a formatted length of time as a value in the slide.
  8. Sparkline - Display a change in values over time as a spark line.
  9. Sparkarea - Display a change in values over time as a spark area.
  10. Sparkbar - Display a change in values over time as a spark bar.
  11. Pie - Display multiple values together as a pie chart.
  12. Doughnut - Display multiple values together as a Doughnut or a hollow pie chart.
  13. Piebar - Display different values as part of a total, similar to a pie chart showing even the smallest slivers of data.
  14. Bars - Compare multiple values in the slide as bars.
  15. Funnel and Towers of Hanoi - Display values across process stages.
  16. Days of a Month - Display a calendar heatmap.
  17. Hours of a Day - Display a circular bar chart with hours represented by a bar.
  18. Days of week - Display a circular bar chart with days represented by a bar.

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